Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 39 - Fun At The KOA

Fun on the Lake!

We got up about 9:00 (I of course was awake at 6:30) and had breakfast. I went to sign us up for a trail ride - the earliest available was at 2:00 PM so we had the whole day to play. The teens went to the morning activity - punch/stamping a leather bracelet each. After that they went canoeing on the lake while Dale and I went for a swim.
Kasey Canoeing

Dillon Canoeing 
Dillon joined us shortly after while Kasey went for a nap. We had a wonderful lunch of stir fry Broccoli & SPAM over Kraft Dinner - It was actually quite delicious! At 1:30 we had to report to the stables so off we went.
Roy Rogers & Dale Evans? Lone Ranger & Tonto? Hoss & Little Joe?
Nope - just Kay & Dale!

Dillon & Torch

Kasey & Tigger
We had a great trail ride on Tigger (Kasey), Torch (Dillon), Concho (Dale) and Chain-saw (Me) for about an hour and fifteen minutes. We looped through a scenic forest with Elkhorn Mountain just above us - it was cool under the trees on this very hot, sunny day (FINALLY!!!).
Kasey (Red Shirt) ahead of me on the trail

Dillon (Green Shirt) on the trail ahead
When we got back - achy and very hot and sweaty, Dillon went boating again, Kasey had another nap and Dale & I did something we haven’t done for ages. We went over to the onsite PUB and had “Happy Hour” - $2.00 beers and 1/2 price appetizers from 3:00 to 5:00 PM everyday! We shared an order of onion rings that were way more than we could eat so we took 1/2 of them back for the teens to finish. I then had a nap while Dale went for a swim and the teens did I don’t know what. (I’m a great Mom aren’t I?) They actually came in every few minutes because the screen door would slam so I knew they were OK but WHY can’t they close the door quietly?!?!
By the time I got up at 6:30 PM it was almost time for WINE TASTING again so I quickly threw a roast pork and potatoes into the convection oven, grabbed some dirty laundry to throw into the laundromat next door to the Winery and off Dale and I went. On the way back I threw the clothes into the dryer, quickly made a salad and we had dinner - a perfectly cooked Pork Tenderloin, roast potatoes and salad (I’m a great Mom/Cook aren’t I?). I went back and folded the clothes at the laundromat, Dale went for wood and got a fire started, and the teens did the dishes. We chatted around the campfire until 10:00 PM (11:00 central time lol) and then off to bed. I quickly blogged this because we’re on the road again in the morning and I don’t know when we’ll have WiFi again.


  1. You all are having so much fun & doing so many activities I get tired just reading your blog. LOL again! Glad to hear the sun is shining on you once again & hope it stays with you while you continue your journey. Travel safe.

  2. You are all having so much fun & doing so many activities I get tired just reading your blog. LOL again! Glad to hear the sun is shining once again & hope it stays with you while you continue your journey. Safe travels & lots of Happy Hours!
