Thursday, May 22, 2014

"The Plan"

Our plan is for the four of us Dale, Kay, Dillon, Kasey and our Schnauzer, Henry to cross Canada this summer from Cloverdale, BC to Winnipeg, Manitoba in our 24 ft. Itasca Navion and then head south to WIT Club  to take part in GNR  in Forest Grove, Iowa.

We are looking forward to seeing all the sites along the way. Our hope is to see Banff; Drumheller; many places in Winnipeg that I knew growing up there; Spam Museum in Austin MN; the Largest Ball of Twine in Darwin, MN; Largest Pop Corn Ball in Sac City IA; and any other rare and interesting places that we may come across in our travels

We are doing this on a budget and hope to spend many of our nights using the program called Harvest Hosts and I will also be documenting our travels and adding some of the photo's to my website Katresa Photography


  1. Hi guys! We look forward to hearing about your journey! Graham and I have never heard of the Harvest Host program! Great info! We will use it when we get back to Canada and pick up our T@b journey! Nice Navion by the way! Safe travels!

    1. Hi Jen - glad to hear you guys are having a great time. love reading your blog - inspired me to start one! If you sign up for Harvest Host and use as referrals we both get a month free on the membership!

    2. Cool! Will do! Your blog is looking great! It is an excellent way of keeping a travel diary to look back on! Graham says hello!
