Saturday, June 21, 2014

Days 5 & 6

Friday morning came and once more it was warm and sunny.That afternoon I had made plans to go with some of  the other F.V.E. members on a Wine Tour ending at a “Bling” Party from 4-9PM at the View Winery - a special wine tasting party with appies, entertainment, and special release wines. There was a mix up of some sort and my ticket was given away to someone else. Needless to say I was VERY disappointed - I had been looking forward to some “ME TIME” away from the kids and the pool. It really put a damper on the day but after a few hours of angrily brooding, Henry and I went for a long walk and spent the rest of the afternoon reading. Dale arrived a little later and it was good to see him and put me in a better mood.
Saturday morning Dale and I had to head into Kelowna because we were out of milk and orange juice (for our Breakfast Mimosa’s) - I wonder were it all went don’t you Dillon? 
We spent time at the pool and then went for Happy Hour and Dinner with the F.V.E. - a wonderful BBQ - a rack of baby back ribs and a ton of various salads with Strawberry Shortcake for dessert. It was good company and then to boot I won the 50/50 draw - $135.00! Kasey and I have plans to visit the WIT store at GNR for shirts etc. but Dale says it will be two tanks of diesel for the trip. Stay tuned for who wins this argument!

The Boys Enjoying the Sunshine!

We had one last swim and soak in the hot tub and then came back to the R.V. to watch “The Lone Ranger” before bed (the new Johnny Depp one - not the oldies one).  

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