Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 24 - The Biggest Ball Of Twine In Minnesota!

Darwin, Minnesota
We set off about 11:00 AM from Brainerd. We GPS’d Pequot Lake but as it was over 20 miles in the opposite direction we decided to forgo the free bean lunch at “Bean Hole Days” and continue on to Darwin, MN. to see the biggest ball of twine. It was a sunny warm day and we passed through some scenic farm country - we are truly blessed to live in Canada and the USA area.
Twine Museum & Twine Gazebo

Even Henry saw the big ball of twine!

We arrived in Darwin mid-afternoon and toured the Twine Museum. It had a lot of the town’s memorabilia and history as well as the Twine Ball. There was old town records and phone books going back years as well as a display of the old schoolroom complete with “Dick & Jane” readers.
School Room - notice the "Fun With Dick & Jane" Reader
It was fun to look at everything they had on display. The ball of twine is outside in a glassed in gazebo so it was very hard to photograph so you’ll have to take my word that it’s one BIG BALL of TWINE! Kasey bought herself a T-Shirt and we mailed a post card to Kyla by request and we continued on our way.
Kasey mailing Kyla's Post Card while wearing her new Twine T-shirt
We picked up dinner at KFC along the way (Dale’s craving won out on this one!) and stopped at a rest area for the night - 30 miles from Austin, MN. and the Spam Factory - our next stop.
A close up view!

Yesterday's Winning Commenter on the Blog was my Mom at 11:31 followed by Dale's Sister Sue at 12:06 and Kyla at 2:56. Mom gets the Twine Ball Souvenir. Who's going to be the Spam Souvenir Winner today?
The sign says it all!

1 comment:

  1. That's actually a pretty neat picture of the ball (the close up). Can't wait to add a Ball of Twine postcard to my two Manitoba ones I got today. I could hardly recognize Dillon - He took his shades off!
