Day 17 - Royal Canadian Mint
The teens grumbled when I woke them at 8:30 so I let them sleep a little longer. Finally, at 11:30, with doing everything I could without disturbing them and bored to tears I made them get up and underway. We went over to Walmart and got Dillon a new pair of sneakers (his two pairs were now clean but still damp) and a few groceries. We then headed over to The Royal Canadian Mint for a tour.
Royal Canadian Mint |
The Mint was really interesting. They had a souvenir/info centre with things on display and some interactive booths. After 15-20 minutes Ben, our tour guide called everyone over to get the 2:00 pm tour started. They are very strict about photo’s so I have nothing to show you about the tour. Hmmm - I wonder why LOL?!?!? Even so - without my visual aids you’ll have to believe me that the tour was fun and informative - Ben was very informative as well as amusing. Did you know that the “Loonie” was second choice in design? The original was two explorers in a canoe but the die got stolen on the way to the Mint for production and needless to say they had to cancel the design and go with choice #2. If you ever get a “Loonie" with a canoe on it - take it from me you’ve been had - it’s counterfeit. Another interesting fact is that anyone can design a coin - just submit your ideas online. They have one in production that was designed by an eleven year old! We also produce coinage for over 50 different countries worldwide. Lastly they now ship all their coinage by “Brinks”- a few years back they “lost” $3million on a train shipment!

After the mint we headed of to our RV park to get settled in for the next 6 days. Once again we trusted our GPS lady ( a few times she’s been a little goofy with directions and very highly annoying - “Please observe the speed limit”). Ending up in a very rural area parking lot of a ski boat place I was just about to ream her out again when the man came out to ask us if we were looking for the RV Resort - apparently he gets 2 or 3 RV’S a day looking for it - some sort of glitch he told us so she was forgiven this time.
Five minutes up the road we found our park and a bonus for some people travelling with me - right next door to the Water-slides and a block up from “Tinkertown” Amusement Park!
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